Adèle (protagonist)
"Younger, I would have liked to do theater. I've spent 25 years abroad, I had 4 children, I've played almost daily tennis.... easy life, but that's all. Back in France some years ago, I quickly caught up what I've missed: theater, cinema, concerts ... and it was a lucky meeting after a concert, that has given to me the opportunity to play in my first short film. I've loved it, with a great admiration for all those hardworking and passionate technicians ... and I haven't stopped since 5 years: numerous short films, clips, series pilots, photos (model), pubs..."
"Actress, Elisa Sergent has performed in theater under the direction of Eric-Gaston Lorvoire, Francis Joffo, Caroline Darnay, Tilly and Jacques Enchantillon, in classical and contemporary plays. She recently performed the roles of Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere and Caprice by Marianne de Musset directed by Sébastien Azzopardi at Les Bouffes Parisiens and Lucernaire. On television, she has been directed by Olivier Jamain, Marion Sarraut, Etienne Dhaenne, Thierry Boscheron, François Velle and Charlotte Brandström. This year, we will see her in movie theatres in Mon Poussin by Frédéric Forestier, Daddy Cool by Maxime Govare and Menina by Cristina Pinheiro."

"Trained at Studio 34 (Ph. Bigaud, Cl. Mathieu, Sacha Pitoeff, G. Werler); Vocal and musical work at Roy Hart Theatre; Mime with Isaac Alvarez. He played theater under the direction of stage directors as Gilles Gleizes, Jacques Connort, Alain Veraine, Junji Fuseya, Catherine Brieux, Antonio Cauchois, Natasha Mash. In cinema and television he worked with Elie Chouraqui (Qu'est ce qui fait courir David?), Juan Bardem (El Joven Picasso), Fernando Colomo (Mi-Fugue, Mi-Raisin)... and in numerous short films, including several in Russian (La Bataille de Yavich by Nicolas Bouvet; Tcheliabinsk...). He has also been stage director for many plays as, for example, Anne and the Violinist, an adaptation by Dostoevskij."

“Formed as an actor at the National Conservatory of Rome; he perfects his training at the European school for the art of the actor in San Miniato with Josè Sanchis Sinisterra whom he follows in several workshops of "actoral dramaturgy" after this first meeting. In 2014 he gets to know Emma Dante in a workshop about the Odyssey as part of the festival of classical theater in Vicenza. He acts in plays by L. Ronconi, L. Salveti, P. Sepe, M. Cherubini, G. Smith. In 2006 he co-founded the theater ensemble "cinquequarti" with C. Losavio (actor) and M. Branca (The Lesson, Ionesco, The Pelican, Strindberg, The Coda, from Cervantes, Melville, Meli). He is also an actor for telefilms and films in Italy. Based in Marseille since 2015, he stars in two short films: "La chasse" by Lea Boublil (University of Aix en Provence) and SEA-ME-WE by Virgile Fraisse. He moved to Paris in 2017.